Tarot and Oracle Readings

For centuries people all over the world from many traditions have used the art of divination to find direction in their lives and help them discover deeper layers of their being and their place in the world. The use of ancient forms of divination like Nordic Rune stones, the I Ching and Tarot, can offer a very in depth perspective for those seeking guidance and clarity in the matters of their daily lives. Whatever the tradition, Oracle divination is a very powerful aid in assisting the healing process and in helping to cultivate greater understanding and awareness. Oracle divination is a way to look deep within ourselves, and is in truth not even an outside source, for all the answers we seek come from within and any Oracle spread is derived from our own desires for deeper understanding. Consulting oracles is a great practice to add to any other modality to understand the root issue more fully, or simply as a stand alone practice used to decipher the events of our lives.



Tarot and Oracle Readings is offered At Mind Body Soul Healing's Toronto location. For an appointment call Mind Body Soul Healing at 647-570-6342, or send an email to us using the following link.